Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fallacy Ads Part Two

Next, we have an add for mascara. This is an Appeal to Authority, as it uses a very famous and glamorous celebrity to advertise it. It implies that if you use the mascara you will have pretty eyes and be pretty and popular just like Rihanna. Eye contact in this advertisement is evidently used to attract the reader and make it feel more personal.

And last, we have a video public service announcement for Domestic Violence. At the start, they use indirect eye contact between the man and the waitress, to make him seem more nonviolent. Another way this is proven is by blending his shirt, a neutral brown colour, in with the crowd as well as the furniture, to make him seem average.At the end of the ad, a voice dictates "You wouldn't get away with it here, so why should you get away with it at home?" This is a logical syllogism, and doesn't contain the fallacy Equivocation as it is connecting two relative things together.


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